User:The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Review5

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For decades, we've been bombarded by books, magazine articles, The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy television shows, and radio experts telling us what to eat, what not to eat, and why we need certain nutrients. There always seems to be a hot dietary item - one year it's protein, the next it's green powders, and still the next we're being told to be sure and include that glass of red wine with dinner. People - highly qualified, highly trained individuals - argue to the gills about which dietary plan best suits our population. On the one hand, you have Dr. Atkins touting the low-carb diet and on the other extreme, Dr. Dean Ornish extolling the virtues of vegetarianism.

Why all the confusion? And how do you know what's really, truly healthy to consume, what will give your body the most high-quality fuel for your life? It's actually simpler than you think. "The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause...too much tissue acid waste in the body!"

All foods create either an acid or alkaline state within the body. The Standard American Diet (SAD) contains very high levels of extremely acidifying foods, such as processed snack foods, grain and cereal, bread, and animal products like meat and dairy. Constant, heavy consumption of these kinds of foods create acid waste at the cellular level, which results in systemic inflammation. This kind of internal state is a haven for disease as well as fostering joint and muscle aches and pains.