Memphis, TN
Memphis, Tennessee maintains a system of 109 outdoor warning sirens. They include Federal Signal Thunderbolts and 2001s, ACA P-10s, P-15s, and P-50s, ASC T-128s, Whelen 29xxs, a B&M Mobil Directo, and a Darley Champion. Memphis is believed to have one of the most diverse operational siren systems in the country. The sirens are tested each Wednesday at 3:30pm in Alert for 2 and a half minutes.
The first siren installed in Memphis was the single tone Biersach & Niedermeyer Mobil Directo located atop East High School on Poplar Avenue, which still runs today. Originally powered by gasoline, the siren was eventually converted to run off of electricity.
External links
City of Memphis Siren Map East High School Mobil Directo Test Sewanee Road P-50