User:Manifestation Magic 2

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For Daria, being hypersensitive Manifestation Magic Review to disapproval and rejection, fearing the possibility of being shamed or ridiculed, and feeling inept leads to limited interactions with her peers. Daria's social avoidance stems from feeling deeply inadequate. As a result, she finds it difficult to have easily satisfying interpersonal relationships. Avoidance in this sense is highly detrimental not only to her personal success, but also to a good quality of life.

Sam avoids expressing himself, or discussing interpersonal issues when it would benefit him to do so because he fears starting an argument, or embarrassing himself. Narelle avoids paying her bills because doing so triggers irrational feelings of scarcity and insecurity, as if she might not have cash when she needs it for emergencies.

These individuals are using forms of dysfunctional avoidance -- acts that harm or hinder clear understanding and longevity in relationships, feeling good about oneself, and having normal effectiveness in the world. These types of thought, feeling, and behavioral avoidance are patterns that create enormous stress. These patterns can be detected in the self-judging, self-blaming remarks we make about ourselves, and in some of the false beliefs we have about what we can't do.

Dysfunctional avoidance is rarely a chosen path. Daria's, Sam's, and Narelle's avoidances are their default response to perceiving the need to do something they don't want to do. It's a faulty coping mechanism that kicks into gear, often without their conscious intent.The more they travel that unconscious path, the deeper the "habit ruts" in their brains become. Once in the neuro-rut, it's easier to get stuck in the negative "I can't" frame of mind.Dysfunctional avoidance is often fueled by patterns of unconscious denial of actual realities. Narelle's scarcity mentality, for example, is in contradiction to the facts -- she's an educated, middle class woman with job security who lives within her means. Sam's conflict-avoidance happens when he's in denial about his compassion, empathy, and good communication skills. Daria's persistent feeling of not being good enough belies the many social invitations and excellent performance reviews she receives.