User:Manifestation Magic Review4

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Confront it. Face up to any mistakes in order to Manifestation Magic begin the process of overcoming. The first step to any healing and recovery is to acknowledge the failure.Work it. The problem will not go away by ignoring it and it usually just becomes bigger. The sooner you begin to deal with the failure than the quicker (and often easier) the recovery process will be.

Overcome it. There are some failures that can be overcome by sheer will but most mistakes will take a much higher power. Pushing through more often than not requires that the failure be turned over to God and trusting Him to handle the matter. There is no problem that will ever or has ever been faced that can not be answered by a sincere study of the Word of God.

Release it. Yesterday is gone and all the wishing, moaning or begging in the world will not change that fact. You can not change yesterday so just let it go! Learn from the failure but don't dwell on it. Focus instead on running the race of today and pushing towards tomorrow. If you are focused on yesterday then you will surely trip over today because you can't see where you are going when you are looking behind.