User:Manifestation Magic Review 4

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Enthusiasm is the foundation of a pleasing personality: Manifestation Magic the hinge that you must bust wide open with your efforts, and when done with intelligence, it enables you to remove the many obstacles from your path. Possessing a pleasing personality is as important to you as your blood running through your veins when it comes to your growth as a leader. A pleasing personality also allows you to influence others to cooperate with you.

Then there's self-control, the balance wheel that controls your emotions when enthusiasm is high and you are filled with excitement - directing it where you wish for it to be led. Self-control is all about discipline and without discipline; enthusiasm can run as wild horses out of control. Afterward, there's focus and concentration. These two characteristics make-up a significant part of the element and focuses your attention upon one subject or issue at a time until you have worked out practical plans for mastering that subject and winning over the issue. Concentration will teach you how to ally yourself with others in such a manner that you may have the use of their entire knowledge repository to back you up in your own plans and purposes. Combined, the three attributes make-up the third element, which offers an awesome combination that anyone can use to win their formula for success.

The fourth element also delivers a powerful combination; Persistence, Tolerance and the Paradigm of Influence. Success comes to those who are persistent, yet tolerant in their efforts. The line between success and its opposition is a very fine one. Often, it is when the roadblocks appear the biggest and the prospect of success seems the most distant that you are about to step across that line. This is when tolerance, as a dominating attribute, must take center court.