Category:Vehicular Sirens

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Revision as of 20:58, 14 August 2024 by ArxCyberwolf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Vehicular sirens are sirens designed to be mounted either on top, or onto the front of a vehicle. These sirens are typically designed for emergency vehicles such as police cruisers, fire engines, and ambulances. These sirens are used to clear the streets ahead and around the emergency services, in order to allow them to quickly reach the emergency. These sirens typically run on 6, 12, or 24 V DC, and can be either friction-operated, electromechanical or electronic. Vehic...")
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Vehicular sirens are sirens designed to be mounted either on top, or onto the front of a vehicle. These sirens are typically designed for emergency vehicles such as police cruisers, fire engines, and ambulances. These sirens are used to clear the streets ahead and around the emergency services, in order to allow them to quickly reach the emergency. These sirens typically run on 6, 12, or 24 V DC, and can be either friction-operated, electromechanical or electronic. Vehicular sirens were one of the earliest uses for motor-driven mechanical sirens, before electric outdoor warning sirens were feasible. Vehicular sirens today are almost always electronic, with fire engines often being an exception and using both an electronic and a mechanical siren. The most popular vehicular mechanical sirens on the market today are the Federal Signal Q-Siren, and the B&M Super Chief.